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Order Help

To purchase products on, please add the desired models to your basket by clicking the button. After your desired items are in your basket, press the button to begin completing the order process. After this, press the  button and you will get this screen:

In this screen, you have the option of signing in (if you are a repeat customer) or filling in your shipping and billing details.  After you have filled your details, or logged in, the page will reload with this notice atop the page:

After confirming shipping options, click the secure checkout link.

 Your page should automatically reload after the message below. If not, click the proceed button and you will automatically be sent to the website. We use Paypal to process all credit card payments due to their stringent security standards.

If you have a Paypal account, simply login and complete the payment. If you do not have a Paypal account, press the Continue button and complete your payment details

Once filled out, enter the submit button and your payment will be processed. You will then be returned back to


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